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expelements [ <filename> ]

Export the identifiers of the four vertices of each element contained in the finest triangulation. If a filename is given the file is created or overwritten. In any case the list is printed in the text window.

The vertices are numbered from 0 onwards by $\mbox{AGM}^{\mbox{\footnotesize 3D}}$.Since the identifiers are expected to start from 1 they are increased by one for the output file. The ids printed in the text window remain unchanged. The order of output lines represents the order of elements in the list they are stored in. The imperror command assumes that this order is not changed. There are two reasons why the element's identifier is not taken into account. First, it would be quite inefficient to scan the whole list for each element to get them in the right order. Secondly, there are many ``father'' elements which are important for the multi-grid algorithm but do not belong to the finest triangulation. Other programs expect the elements of the mesh to be numbered consecutively, which is impossible with the internal ids since these ``father'' elements have to be left out.

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Werner Scholz